Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well, here we go again...

My bags are packed, I've said my goodbyes, I even cleaned my room so Mom doesn't have to once I'm gone. I'm officially ready to move to New York City tomorrow...


Tomorrow? But I just got back... I mean I just graduated... I'm not ready... I have to be an adult? I have to be financially responsible. I could fall flat on my face. How did this day get here so quickly?
My first trip to NYC doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I visited the city with the Biloxi High Cabaret show choir six years ago. We sang at Carnegie Hall with John Rutter. I told my mom that I'd be back for good one day. Well, I guess that day is tomorrow.

I bought the book "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" by Brooklyn Tabernacle's Pastor, Jim Cymbala, before helping with a Vacation Bible School on a city mission trip a few summers ago. I realized when I returned home from school this summer that I never finished it. I picked it up and decided to read a few chapters each night before falling asleep. I didn't plan it out. I just thought that if I didn't finish it, I would bring it with me. I finished it tonight - the night before I move back to that city. The final chapter talks about being "brave for God."Pastor Cymbala talks about the Mighty Warriors of 1 Chronicles 11 who went with David to capture Jerusalem. He says "It was not an easy prize... So it is with every attempt to do something for God. Whenever God stirs us to establish His kingdom in a new place, the enemy is sure to taunt us. The devil always tries to convince us that we've tackled too much this time and we'll soon be humiliated..." God has made it clear that it is his plan for me to relocate, and there is a burning passion in my heart for New York, but I have been hit with doubt and fear by the enemy trying to hold me back from God's will. Fortunately, our God is bigger and better than any obstacles we face - seen or unseen. "He is waiting for us to take his promises seriously and go boldly to the throne of grace...When we do so, God will back us up with all the resources of heaven." He promises that He knows the plan. He promises he will never leave us or forsake us! He promises to be found when we seek him.
When I was packing earlier, I noticed that one of the wheels on my suitcase was broken. Mom joked about that being a sign that maybe I shouldn't go. I think this is a much better sign. Even in the little details, God is in control.

So, a quick run down of what's happening this summer and beyond (and what I'll be blogging about and around):
I will be a casting intern at Mungioli Theatricals through the summer
I will be living in Harlem... Yup, you read that correctly - Harlem. But SUPPOSEDLY it's a safe, artsy, young area of Harlem. I'll let you know soon ;)
I will be hopefully working with the same Temp agency from last summer
I will be getting plugged back into Central Presbyterian, and hopefully joining the choir again
Once my internship is over, I'll start auditioning for performances and hopefully land an acting gig eventually
(In case you can't tell, I'm currently feeling very hopeful)

But, enough from Biloxi. I've got a big day tomorrow.

Grace be with you,
Lindsey Shea


  1. I don't know about Harlem; Mase and Diddy had me pretty convinved in the late 90's that Harlem was bringing the realness. Then again, who's scared of Mase or Diddy (or how old I sound referencing Mase and Diddy . . . sigh).

    Good luck!

  2. Can't wait to hear more about your new journey in New York! I'm so glad you are living your dream!
